Muslim Baby Boy Names Starting with B

1BabrakLittle basilica flowerبابراك
2BaadiyahName of a sahahiyyah.باديه
3BaseeratInsight Perceptionبصیرت
4BurhaanIn Muslim meaning is : Proofبُرحان
5BarkatullahBlessings of Allahبركاتلله
7BehraamVariant Of Behram: Mars. Planetبہرام
9BabakThey are the young father; satisfied personبابک
10BadeeUnique, newبدیع
13BarjeesSixth Star of Sky, Jupiterبرجیس
15BalbanA titleبلبن
16BataMate, friend, buddyباٹا
17BahzarActive, Nobleباھزر
18BirjisJupiter, Planetبرجیس
20BarkatBlessed, blessed collectبرکات
21BirrahGood Deed.بيره
23Bu yahyaFather Of Yahyaابُو یحییٰ
24BikrFirst Born, Eldestبِکر
26BehnamReputable (someone With Honorable Name)بہم
27Badrud DujaFull moon of the dark.بدرد دوجا
28BatishMighty, Powerfulباطش
29BustanGarden, flowers piledبستان
31BilalMoistening, The Prophet’s Companionبلال
32BurhanProof, Evidenceبرہان
33BalajGlitter, Shine, Light Skinned Boyبالاج
34BabuFather, master, rulerبابو
35BabulGate Of Godبابُل
37BurakTo be strong and fast as a lightning boltبرق
38BismilWounded, restlessبسمل
39BasitOne Who Enlargesباسط
40BadshahLeader, Sultan, teacherبادشاہ
41BabiFollowers Of The Sufi Saint Babبابی
42BabaFather, old, cute babyبابا
43BayazidName of a saintبايزيد
44BasharBringer Of Glad Tidingsبشر
45BaabarVariant Of Babar: Lion, King Of Jungleبابر
46BaberAdvisor, simple heartبابر
47BinyaminName of the brother of Prophetبنيامين
48BashirBringer Of Glad Tidings, Harbinger, Bringer Of Good Newsبشیر
50BilawelA Sufi saint of Sindhبلاول
51BuraqBright Oneبُراق
52BasharatGood Omen Prophecyبشارت
53BarisPeaceful, calm, quiteبارس
54BadiInventor, Creatorبادی
55BariOf Allahباری
56BehramMars, Planetبہرم
57BaderMoon of the fourteenth nightبدر
60BasirKnowledgeable, Proficient, One Who Seesبصیر
61BarakatBlessings, Abundance, Prosperityبرکات
62BaaniFounder, Originatorبانی
63BaranNoble Manباران
64BaramThe Nation’S Sonبیرم
65BornaYoung, Youthfulبُرنا
66BaahirVariant Of Bahir: Dazzling, Brilliantباہر
67BalHeart, Mind, Soulبل
68BakriOne who starts work earlyبكري
69BehlolLeader, a famous saint.بحلول
70BuraSafe, Out Of Dangerبُرا
71BukhariMuhammad ibn Ismail Al-Bukhaبوخاري
72BatalBrave, Hero, Championبَتل
73BadrFull moonبدر
74BarqLightening, Telegraphبرق
75BarnaIn hebrew meaning is : Son of comfort.برنا
76BakirEarly In The Morningبکیر
77BarakIn biblical meaning is : Thunder; or in vain.بارک
78BedarCareful, Be Alertبیدار
79BalianIt mens Master or Lord. It was the name of a noble crusader in the kingdom of Jerusalem in the 12th century.بالیان
80BadruddujaFull moon of the dark (night), An epithet of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)بدردجا
81BilaalCall to prayer (swahili origin )بلال
82BaljeetMighty, Victoriousبلجیت
83BakrCamel, First Bornبکر
84BakhtiyarVariant Of Bakhtiar: Lucky, Fortunateبختیار
85BamsiCompassion, Benevolence, Glamourبمسی
86BorakThe Lightning. Al Borak Was The Legenday Magical Horse That Bore Muhammad From Earth To The Seventh Heavenبُراک
87BakhshGiver, To Grantبخش
88BerniVictory Bringerبرنی
89BadiuzzamanTimuri Rulerبدی الزمان
90BashiThe officialباشی

Muslim Boys Names By Alphabet

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